Thursday, March 28, 2013


(Note: Please click on the white highlighted words that lead to video links)                              

Devils and Demons are in control of our country, and will lead us to destruction. I don't mean this metaphorically, but literally. The worship of celebrities such as Oprah Winfrey and others such as  actors and singers, have long been with us, however, now there is a difference. They no longer are simply making a living plying their craft and enjoying the benefits inherent to their profession. They are now using their influence to do the works of the Devil. How can this be, you may ask? Because of their unique position of having the publics eyes and ears, they have (not all) taken the dark road that leads to destruction, and wants to influence us to believe in whatever comes out of their mouths. Case in point Oprah Winfrey Denies JESUS on television.  

As if that's not enough, she is doing just what Satan has created in her to do, and that is to take millions upon millions into Hell with her.

1 Timothy 1 (New International Version)
1 Timothy 1 Warning Against False Teachers of the Law
3 As I urged you when I went into Macedonia, stay there in Ephesus so that you may command certain men not to teach false doctrines any longer 4 nor to devote themselves to myths and endless genealogies. These promote controversies rather than God's work—which is by faith. 5 The goal of this command is love, which comes from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith. 6 Some have wandered away from these and turned to meaningless talk. 7 They want to be teachers of the law, but they do not know what they are talking about or what they so confidently affirm.

In my last post I wrote about Visions and Dreams that I've had about events to transpire in the near future.These were shown to me by the HOLY SPIRIT and I take them for what they are. A warning to prepare for the coming wrath of GOD that is kindled towards a Nation who was created by GOD, called blessed by the whole world, prospered beyond imagination above all other Nations on earth, and have now turned its back on the Lord. The spirits of anti-Christ is now the new normal for most of America and the people who've been elected to rule over us are in lock step with phenomena. These politicians that are pulling the strings of this inexperienced President, are behind the scenes controlling what Obama does, and they are the devils and demons that are really running the country. The far-left agenda is the devils political platform that many Americans voted for, and are now so deceived by, that they still will not recognized what they have done. If you think I'm joking about his inexperience, well, lets just hear it from the horses own mouth.   The people chose a man who does not have the experience to lead this country, nor does he have the depth of understanding about the dangers that we all face as a Nation. He doesn't share a belief in one GOD and certainly does not believe in JESUS CHRIST!  This is somewhat understandable because of the worship that the some of the people of this nation is performing too Obama, as if he is their god. Please follow the next link

Psalm 4:2 (New International Version)
How long, O men, will you turn my glory into shame ? How long will you love delusions and seek false gods ? Selah

Amos 2:4 (New International Version)

4 This is what the LORD says:
       For three sins of Judah,
       even for four, I will not turn back {my wrath}.
       Because they have rejected the law of the LORD
       and have not kept his decrees,
       because they have been led astray by false gods,
       the gods  their ancestors followed,

How many of you worship some actor, sports activity, singer, celebrity or politician. Do you worship your children, husband, wife, money or possessions, or anything that is placed over YESHUA? My friends it is time! The time is here for all who believe in JESUS THE LORD, to speak out about these Blasphemes, and do not listen too or partake in viewing these spiritually wicked things. These DEMONIC personalities, entertainment, and events proceed straight from the BOWELS OF HELL ITSELF, and are designed to steal, and destroy you as a believer in CHRIST! I hear people like Glenn Beck doing their best to proclaim the truth, from a Patriotic sense of things. There's nothing wrong with this and can reach some of the back sliders of Faith. However, what we are dealing with in this country is a Spiritual wrestling battle. When you go to college, the professor deals with the mind, teaching one how to learn. What we have to see is that, we are in a battle for the Spirit and Soul of our country, and you will only win this battle by THE LORD JESUS CHRIST AND GOD THE FATHER! PERIOD!

Barrack Obama got elected by attacking the spiritual heart and beliefs of this country, just like Satan does to an individual. Many are missing this attack because they are focused on his words and not the content. Just listen to this.

2 Peter 3 (New International Version)
2 Peter 3-4 3 First of all, you must understand that in the last days scoffers will come, scoffing and following their own evil desires.  4 They will say, "Where is this 'coming' he promised?

Don't be Deceived! Listen closely, because many are being used by these demons and spirits that was spoken of in my Blog titled "THE VISION". They are here. And they are in people of all types. Mostly the three strong ones that are ancient are in politicians that you see on TV. Watch the facial distortions that occur when you see them. Their eyes reveal the demons, and the persons facial structure will start to change after a while, as the demon gains strength over the host, TO DIRECT THEIR THOUGHTS AND SPEECH. Most of it won't make any sense and they can't tell the truth. A demon or devil cannot speak anything that is truth under the term that GOD has said is truth. In short, they can't confess anything honest. Watch for them.  May GOD Bless all of you with the eyes to see and an understanding heart.

Monday, March 4, 2013


4-16-11@ 11:45 AM
Thus Saith the LORD:WOE! WOE! To the Nations of the earth!For you do an accurseth thing before the LORD.He who is called by my name will hear and understand.Did I not say before it happened?
Has not
MY word gone forth to conquer?
Through my servant I did decree to you that these who would try and divide
MY Land, I would cause to destroy
and devour their own brothers and children. These who claim knowledge about
MY Words and My ways have
all gone astray. Egypt, Libya, Oman, Assyria, Cush, Arabia, Yemen, and those who have fallen by MY word,
is, and has Come to pass.
I, the G_D of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, has performed all these things.Who then can cause them to halt?! Let them stand forth and Command it! Tell them to have Peace, and we shall
see if you have dominion over it! Because of your Sin,
I will bring to you terror and destruction. It shall be that when
you have exhausted all your purpose in which you trust,
I, the LORD, shall decree a thing. From Heaven I shall send
MY Word against all the nations, because of your Sin against Israel MY chosen!Oh Israel, if only you would have obeyed my Statues and Commandments that I gave to MY Servant Moses
and Joshua. I will punish the nations, not because of your sake: for you have not heard or obeyed my ordinances
towards you. You have been a troublesome people, unwilling to obey me, as I commanded your fathers of
ancient times.
I have not changed! As it was then, so it is now. I brought you back to the Land, as I swore by Myself
that I would.
I, the LORD, gave you Victory over the greater, more powerful nations that Surrounded you. I have blessed the Land wherever your foot walked! And it is I who have preserved you. Why do you worship me in vain as do the Woman with Eagles Wings. Is it not I who did Call the tumult to leave its watery depth and rush over the Land and destroy a people? Can I not cause a new destruction never before seen in the earth among men? Why then would you make peace with abominable people and divide the Land where MY name is written? Did I not give the Land to Abraham under an oath Sworn by ME?

Thus Saith the LORD:Because of your disobedience to my
commands concerning all that my servant
Moses warned you and your fore-fathers
not to break, and since you have put your
trust in men and not,
I, the LORD your G_D,
who has brought you back to the Holy Land
and Blessed you with great blessings;
I will
cause a wave to come over to you. It will be
a wave of great fear and cause trembling
among your people. It will not harm you or
destroy you, but it shall destroy the
nations around you. Because of the
destruction, the nations of the World will
come against you! But they will not conquer,
I will save you because of MY Promise
to my Servant and Friend Abraham.
Not because of you, but because of
MY Wordto bless Abraham's descendants. This is why
you shall not be harmed.
I, YESHUA HaMasichhave decreed it. If you turn from the Nations
and Call out to
ME, and obey all that I have
Commanded You too do, then
I will remove the
stain of your Sin from among you. I Commanded
Joshua to destroy all of the High places of Pagan
Worship. But when
I returned you to this Land,
You would not destroy them as I commanded you
to do. Because you have feared the Nations and
was disobedient to
The LORD your G_D!
Here the
LORD and Obey:
A wave  has been decreed. The
Temple Mount
and all of the
Holy Land that I gave to Abraham
is Mine Saith
HE who sits in Heaven!I will purge MY Land from the abominable
wretches that
I have allowed to be a thorn in
your side and a prick in your Eye.
I, the LORD G_D,
will Cleanse the
Temple Mount and Sanctify it again,
for a short Season. You shall call for a National Day
of Fasting, From Sundown to Sundown. No Work Shall
be performed. For what
I am about to do is Holy and
Reverent. The Nations will cry out in Fear and Anger.
Fear them NOT! But Fear
ME, the LORD who does all these
things. So the World will know, that it is the
LORD G_Dwho does all these things.I have Sent Word through,
Michael. Hear O
Israel, and see it
Come to Pass!

4-16-11 @ 1:15 PM
About America
Repent! Repent woman with eagles wings.
I have suffered many things because of you,
and my grace has kept you. You have grieved me with
your disobedience and wickedness. I, the LORD gave you
the same Law as I did my Servant Moses. Then I Blessed
you and your Land the Beautiful, and made you the Head
of all the Nations. And for the sake of the few righteous
who still pray and I hear, I have been merciful to you.
No more will I have patience with you and the Sin that has
come up in MY nostrils. Its stench is about to cause MY wrath
to Come upon You. I Say Repent, and turn from the evil
ways that are Not new, but are ancient Sins that I have
destroyed Nations for in days of Old. For if you do not turn
from your ways and come back to me, the LORD G_D, and if
you Continue to profane MY Church with abominable acts
of Pagan Observances, then I, the LORD will come against you.
If you do not obey what I have sent the Prophets of Old
and MY prophets this day to warn, admonish, and reprove you
of, then I will bring upon you a plague of destruction. Fear,
Terror, War on the Beautiful Land. Those who are Called
by MY name and has obeyed Me shall not be harmed. Those
who refuse to do what I Command them, I will not hear in
that day. They shall call and I will not hear to Save. But he who
I know, he shall pray and whatsoever  he asks of ME, I will surely
perform for Him quickly. For I will protect them from MY wrath
and punishment, and only through their intercession will I
do works.

Thus Saith the LORD:
Destroy all abominations of the people of this Land. Purify it
unto the LORD! Cleanse through fire the Pagan Temples, which I,
the LORD was Not! A new service to the Church I decree.
A Service where I will reside Saith The LORD. A worship where
MY Power Will Stand and reside. Look, people of the Beautiful Land.
A cleansing of the Wicked Comes in the Storm. I, the LORD of Hosts
shall bring it to pass, and will re-dedicate the Blessings upon Her.
To bring about, for those Called the Children of HIS Hand, to inherit
their G_D YAHWEH! ADONAI! It is decreed! I, the LORD do all
these things to accomplish MY WILL!